Friday, March 12, 2021

The Joy and Sadness of Itsy Bitsy Spider

The memories of my daughter as she was growing up dancing, singing, laughing, riding her bike, playing with her toys, watching Disney movies, drawing and coloring brings me so much joy and appreciation of her talents, personality, fun loving and adventurous nature. This journey of loss and grief is a long one but I also feel joy and grateful to God for giving me this precious daughter to share and love for a short time. When Crystal was in kindergarten I made a spider costume for her Kindergarten play.  She was the itsy bitty spider that crawled up the water spout.  Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.  Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider went up the sprout again.  I also read to her the nursery rhyme of Little Miss Muffet.  I loved those rhymes when I was her age and it was a joy to share them with her and to sew her the costume.  I feel both joy of my own childhood memories, joy of the memories of her in her costume as well as sadness when I hear these nursery rhymes.  I can see beyond the pain with appreciation and joy of having her as my daughter.  The threads of Joy and Sadness are part of the tapestry woven together in my daily life.  As long as I breath my love for her is and always will be a part of me.

Little Miss Muffet

Little miss Muffet she sat on her tuffet, eating her curds eating and whey
Along came a spider who sat down beside her
And frightened miss Muffet away.

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