Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Glacier National Park Montana Gallery I

I have discovered after visiting several parks and mountain ranges two things:   I have a love for the mountains and I cannot get enough of their majesty splendor.  I also may or may not get acute mountain sickness above tree level.  By that I mean, when I reach the top of the mountain peaks and there are no trees but rocks and I am at cloud level or above the clouds,  I get AMS which kicks in at 10,000 ft above sea level.  At 10,000 feet, a person only has the effective use of 14% oxygen, only two-thirds that of sea level. Besides needing to breath deeper, I start feeling lightheaded and fear sets in.  I read that a person is at higher risk for acute mountain sickness if you live at or near sea level and travel to a high altitude.  Since I have been living in Florida most of my adult life, I now pay the price with AMS.  Living in Florida is not all what it is cracked up to be in my opinion!

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