Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mackinac Island - A Place Without Time

Time still stood and the cobblestone streets are still the same with the sound of horse drawn buggies and wagons wheels rolling down the streets.  No sound of man made motor cars and engines.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cheaha Mountain Lookout Point for Talladega National Forest

A nice breeze, not too hot but a place to relax and take a dip and swim with a breathtaking view of the valley below and the Talladega National Forest.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Top of Cheaha Mountain

We promised to return to Cheaha Mountain and stay for several days and enjoy the mountain trails and wild life.  That was two years ago.  We must keep our word and go back to visit the mountain and valley below.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Home not of Marble floors and Gilded walls

"You'll find, where'er you roam, 
That marble floors and gilded walls 

Can never make a home.  

But every house where Love abides,

And Friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home-sweet-home:
For there the heart can rest."

By Henry Van Dyke

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lake Griffin A Place of Retreat

No swiming allowed due to a healthy population of alligators.  One of the largest lakes in Florida and used as a retreat for many ladies during the early spring. 

Time is Too Slow for those who Wait

Hours fly, Flowers die
New days, New ways,
Pass by.  Love Stays.
Time is Too Slow for those who Wait,
Too Swift for those who Fear,
Too Long for those who Grieve,
Too Short for those who Rejoice,
But for those who love,
Time is not.
By Henry Van Dyke

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"The Golden Coast" at Crescent Beach

 From Chuck and Jessica's deck, a beautiful golden and purple sunset on Matanzas River.  There is truth to the name "The Golden Coast" of the South-eastern coastline.  We should also call it purple majesty as well!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Who Can Dance Across a Lily Pad?

Who can dance across a Lily Pad?
Have you tried, Not I
but I have seen star light and
moon beans in the evening
Sun rays in the morning,
dance across the glistening path
What mortal creatures
can dance across a Lily Pad?

Blue Pond at Dunn's Creek and a Blue Heart

We took a hike at Dunn's Creek Park to reach the creek and hope to get some photo opportunities.  It was suppose to be less then two miles.  We found Blue Pond and the blue trail.  We hiked blue trail which was a circular trail and had no end.  Seven miles of heat, sweat, chigger bites and ticks, we found the entrance into the woods and our car.  Blue Pond gave me a blue heart.

Florida Sandhill Cranes taking a stroll in Pomona Park

The Florida Sandhill Crane is less common then other Sandhills in the country, with some 5,000 individuals remaining. They are most threatened by habitat destruction. In Florida, it is protected, and if killed, carries a very high monetary penalty. This subspecies is under protection of state and federal law at this time. These Sandhhill Cranes were walking down the street in Pomona Park, Florida. Visiting their human neighbors.

Labor Day Intra Coastal Skies - On a Clear Day Heaven Came to Earth!

Labor Day in St. Augustine South, Intra Coastal skies with light rainfall and sunshine.  On a clear day heaven came to earth!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Jones Gap Park - A quiet Mountain Cove

 A quiet mountain cove nestled into the Blue Ridge Escarpment in northern Greenville County of South Carolina.